Today, my firstborn is 7 years old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IMRAN!!!!
Be an obedient servant to Allah
Be a soleh son
Be a good leader and example to your younger siblings
Be a good person
"Ya Allah, jadikanlah Imran anak yang soleh, sihat, bijak dan berjaya. Anak yang patuh kepada perintah Mu. Anak yang dengar cakap dan lembut hati. Amin."
Remember dear, nothing is impossible. Dare to dreams. The world is for you to conquer. The sky is the limit. Go and reach all your goals.
5 notes of inspiration:
Happy birthday Imran.
May the wishes and doas of your parents and family come true.
Selamat ulangtahun Imran, moga terus membesar dengan sihat dan sempurna. InsyaAllah.. :D
Lemongrass - Thank you very much :D
As - Amin... Terima kasih ye :D
have i wish you?
happy besday Adam - grow up hensome, clever and soleh ye :)
Ermayum - Amin, amin, amin. Thank you ;)
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