Dear Diary,
HELP!!! I'm having problem with my Picasa. I wanted to post a new entry yesterday with lots of pictures. As I was uploading pictures as usual, I received a notice saying that I've reached my quota for Picasa web albums. If I want to continue, I must buy additional storage space.
Have any of you out there face this kind of technical problem? How should I go about it? Should I buy additional storage space?
I think I cannot simply delete pictures in my web album as it would affect my blog. On the other hand, I'm quite reluctant to make monthly payment for the storage space as my blog does not generate much of an income.
Please help...
This Is The Time!
3 weeks ago
7 notes of inspiration:
mcm pernah kena... cuba tgk blog peej or filla, diorang ada buat entry pasal ni.
Konot - Blh bagi those blogs punya url tak? I can try search. Tak tau nak buat macam mana dah ni...tertangguh entry yg memang dah overdue :-)
Tak pandai .....CA tak letak kat picasa
Chik Att - Saya pun tak pandai. Tu yg pening. Tak berani nak godek lebih-lebih takut jadi tak ketahuan hala. CA cuba check sebab saya pun tak letak dlm picasa tp bila saya upload gambaq kat blogger, automatik save dlm picasa web page. Mcm ada link both blogger & picasa.
Unaizah : actually Picasa Web album bagi kat kita 1GB free storage limit saja, so kalau dah penuh dia akan suruh kita upgrade.. Kalau nak continue Picasa memang tak da pilihan,kena bayaq. Chichiq tak sure pulak berapa US Dollar. Sebelum Unaizah upload gambar2 tu, Unaizah kecik kan saiz dia dulu tak? Paling besar pun 1600px dah ok, boleh jimat sikit.
OK, sekarang ni tak beli storage tu pun tak pa. Unaizah boleh simpan gambar kat PhotoBucket, buka satu account, free ja, unlimited photo dgn video tapi with file size limits... nie link
Salam kenal,
Sy pon pernah kena jg tp dgn bantuan rakan blogger jmp jgk solution akhirnya. Alhamdulillah :) unaizah cuba tgk tutorial di blog Alya di blog sy dlm entry Dlm bulan may. Sori sy try nak copy paste link blog alya now tak bley tatau knp maybe sy Tgh blogging via mobile kot.
Chiciq - Penah gak dengar pasal photobucket ni. Blh simpan for future reference sebab next commentator bagi solution yg rasanya will work for now.
Ishamizu - THANKS A ZILLION!!!! Really helped me. Now dah blh update blog & upload gambar mcm biasa.
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