Was it luck? Or was it fate? Maybe it was a little bit of both. This is a story of how I met my prince charming…
I graduated in the middle of 1998 and considered myself very lucky since I managed to land a job a month after coming back. The economy was slowly recovering from 1997 downturn and there I was a fresh graduate ready to take on the world. I worked hard and learned as much as I could. After settling myself comfortably on a career path, I started to venture into another part of my life – love life. Prior to this I’d made attempts to build special relationships with the male species but they all turned out as friends in the end.
I was so young back then only in my mid 20s and felt it was the right time to start looking around for Mr. Right. Once again I was very lucky because my saham was (and still is… ;D) quite high. I managed to get into two consecutive relationships however both led to nowhere.

The race of who would find me eligible suitor the fastest. When all of this was happening, I was working in Penang. Among all my aunties, Pak Lang and Mak Lang got the upper hand in the race because I was staying with them. It so happened at that very moment, my Mak Lang’s cousin (Auntie Lin) was also looking for a suitor for the son of her husband’s (Uncle Aris) boss. I could still remember the chain of events that occurred as if it were yesterday.
6th March 2001…will forever be etched as one of historical dates in my life as this was the date that two families met in the pursuit of building an even stronger bond. My cousin had been planning to throw a surprise birthday party for her father. The party would be held at the Revolving Restaurant, City Bayview Hotel, Penang. I was looking forward to attending the event since there would be buffet dinner (yum yum) and also a chance for family get together.

Well, I had no choice other than to go along with their plan. Gone also my appetite and I paid RM38 for the food, mind you. It was the 90s, buffet cost cheaper then. I ate so little because my mind was occupied on the upcoming event. What a waste, knowing myself who love food! Mr. F and his family arrived a little bit later than us. I was so shy and everything that I did turned out wrong i.e. I mistakenly salam twice with his father. I managed to sneak a few glances at him though. Not bad looking heh! He had his hair backcombed, wore a yellowish jacket and looked confident. We were seated in different tables. He and his family with my family (together with my uncles and aunties) at one table whereas I with my cousins at another. Thank God, I wore my dark blue dress which is presentable and sweet.
The night went on forever and felt like it would never end. Both Mr. F and I never exchanged words just a few glances across the room. Believe me, my aunties and uncles sure had grilled him with 1001 questions. Finally, it was time to go our separate ways. Yahoo…it was over!