Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tali Pusat / Umbilical Cord

Dear Diary,

I thought of sharing this with you all and jotting this down here for my children’s reference in future. When I gave birth to my first child, my mother advises me to keep my children’s umbilical cord that came off from their bellybuttons when they’re babies in one place or together. It is believed that they’ll always be united and no matter how severe they argue with each other they’ll still love one another. Air dicincang takkan putus, Insya Allah.

It is also believed that if they’re sick (for example fever), the umbilical cord can come handy. When soak in water, the water can be used to heal them (by way of drinking, showering or applying on them). I’ve tried this on Irfan once and it worked. He had been with high temperature for a few days without signs of subsiding. We went to two clinics! When everything else failed, my father in law suggested to bathe him with his umbilical cord’s water and also to feed him a bit of the water. Alhamdulillah, his fever receded.

I don’t know how far this petua is true but there’s no harm in doing it.

6 notes of inspiration:

Ermayum said...

betul la tu now kan dah ada bank cord - yg simpan fresh and believe can cure all types of disease

eda simpan gak but now tak tahu kat ne :) mum said if gaduh2 bg minum air rendaman nya

aS_c0mei said...

bagusnya info nih.berguna untuk saya di masa depan....insyaAllah,bila Allah kurniakan anak nanti.hehe

lady lavender said...

Assalamualaikum..baru berkesempatan singgah kat blog Unaizah. Buka2 aje tengok template: waaaa...cantiiknya!! Pujian ikhlas :-)

Thanks dropped blog akak. Nice knowing u walaupun dialam maya. salam ukhwah.

Unaizah said...

Ermayum - Kalau selalu gaduh pun, bagi minum gak eh? Info baru ni...blh apply in future. Unai ada gak baca pasal cord bank tu tp that one yg fresh kan & the cost is high right.

As - Insya Allah....amin. Sharing is caring kan :)

Lady Lavender - Salam perkenalan. Cantik ke *tersipu malu*?? Biasa je la kak. Template ni pun adik saya yg gigih browse internet. Saya just bagitau ciri-ciri yg saya nak, dia yg cari. In fact, blog ni pun dia yg set up hahahahha. Saya ni kurang arif sikit bab IT.

Anonymous said...

hahahaaa... Unaizah nak tau tak? MakChaq pun ada pesan kat chichiq, kalau anak2 suka bergaduh rendam lah kesemua tali pusat anak2 dlm satu bekas and bg dia orang minum.. Tapi nya...lain pulak dgn chichiq,masa dia orang umur 6,7,8thn, chichiq saja ja rendam tali pusat tu and bg dia orang minum dengan niat yg ikhlas minta doa dari ALLAH utk eratkan perhubungan dan kasih sayang diantara mereka... hahaaa lucu kan? kesian anak2 ibu...

Unaizah said...

Chichiq - Tak salah aih mencuba. Niat suci seorang ibu pasti sedikit sebanyak memberi kesan kpd anak-anak. Allah Maha Mengetahui niat Chichiq baik.