Dear Diary,
I’ve been delaying in continuing my life story. This post has been in my draft for months but somehow I just couldn’t care to complete and publish it. Sorry for the delay….not that anybody is actually following my life story. Never mind, I’m writing all these for my children which was my intention in the first place.
After the akad nikah, we rushed back home. The groom’s entourage went back to Hotel Seri Malaysia. Both sides had to get ready for the bersanding ceremony in the afternoon. When I got home, some of the guests had already arrived. The first thing I did as soon as I was home was to have my lunch. Who knows what time my next meal would be and I wouldn’t want my tummy to start orchestrating its own music when I am on pelamin. Then, the mak andam started putting on make up and helped me with my silver colored songket wedding dress and my long bluish veil.

After Zohor, the groom side arrived escorted by kompang group and girls carrying bunga manggar and hantaran. As their group reached my house, I came down the stairs following the trail of two flower girls and my maid of honor. Only Allah knows what I felt at that exact moment. So many emotions running through myself, fortunately I managed to walk to the pelamin and sat without any glitches. Once I was comfortably seated, then only Mr. F was allowed to join me on the pelamin.
Next on the agenda was the merenjis ceremony. The groom’s family and relatives started the merenjis followed by my family and relatives. After the merenjis, both of us were led to meja pengantin to eat together with the groom’s entourage. I did not really enjoy the meal because I was very nervous, such a loss because all the lauk pengantin were very delicious.

After everybody had their meals, the groom’s group bade farewell leaving Mr. F or should I start call him Hubby behind. The kenduri went on until late in the evening. It was one wedding that I would remember for the rest of my life….
ps: to be continued in The Wedding (Groom)