Dear Diary,

I remembered reading this novel when I was a teenager. It was a big hit back in the 90s. So, when I saw on television it was being adapted into a film starring two good actors as lead roles, I made a mental note to watch out for the release date. On June 3rd, Lagenda Budak Setan hit cinemas nationwide.
Going to the cinema is a rare treat for me after becoming a mother. The last movie I watched on the big screen was 2012. It was ages ago. After one postponement and much persuasion, I convinced hubby to be my date to watch Lagenda Budak Setan. Take note that hubby is not a big fan of Malay film.

It was a sad love story. Very sad indeed; so much so, that my tears were streaming down my cheeks almost for the entire half of the movie. I am a sucker for sappy love stories, I guess. The film broke a record for me because hubby was seen wiping tears from his eyes. Wow, that was something huh! When I asked what makes him cry, he replied he pities Ayu. She had to go through so much suffering.
These are my opinions on the movie. Akasyah really loves Ayu. I mean really really loves her! Ayu is the world for him. Kasyah is willing to accept Ayu even when she’s no longer a virgin, even when she has a different face and even when she lost her memory. Along the same line, he is willing to face all hurdles that come his way (finishes his studies, waits for her, helps her remember, etc). The scene in which Kasyah receives the news that Ayu marries Azmi touches my heart. He was so heartbroken. It makes us wonder the power of love, to think that he was a woman-hater once. He could have any other woman if he wants but he still loves Ayu wholeheartedly. On my way home, I wonder to myself – does hubby love me as much as Kasyah loves Ayu? I know he loves me but the movie just makes me wonder to what extend his love for me is.
For me, Azmi also loves Ayu in his own twisted way though. He conveys his love through anger and violence. There are sadistic men like this out there you know. What I couldn’t fathom is Ayu’s mother’s actions. Why does she jeopardize Ayu’s happiness by forcing her into marrying Azmi?
The soundtrack Bila Cinta is melodious. It heightens the audiences’ concentration and also sets the mood for the movie. Both hubby and I keep humming the melody in our car on our way home. The sceneries shot are beautifully and serenely captured.
In contrast, there are also a few aspects of the film that I don’t like. Well, these are based on my experience. I’m not saying that I’m an expert on film critics….these are just my opinions as a viewer. Some of the plots seem rushes and not portray smoothly. There are also too many subplots crammed into one film. Another thing is that there are too many close up shots of the actors. It makes my visions somewhat asymmetrical when Farid is tall and Lisa on the other hand is short. There are scenes where Farid’s head are only half shown. The most spoilt element is when the director switches the leading lady. The chemistry and the feelings are just not the same. No offense to the new actress!

All in all, Lagenda Budak Setan depicts a great love between a man and a woman who are willing to sacrifice everything in order to be together.
* Pictures courtesy of Yahoo! Images