1st of April 2001 is another significant date in my life. It was the day I got engaged.
After Asar, Mr. F’s rombongan meminang arrived at my house. The delegation comprised of his family and close family friends. Mr. F was not one of the entourage. His family’s spokesperson initiated the merisik cum meminang process. The discussion was jovial and friendly in manner. Both sides discussed all the important details for example maskahwin, wedding date and hantaran amount after my father accepted the peminangan. After everything was agreed upon, I was led to the main hall.
My emotion was like a roller coaster as I walked the short distance between my bedroom to the living room. I was very shy in my cream colored baju kurung and my face was down most of the time!! I must have been blushing throughout the whole ceremony. I was seated on a tikar sila. Next, Mr. F’s mother slid both my jari manis with a ring. I got two rings; one is a belah rotan for the merisik and another one is a diamond ring (Wow! K.M. Oli Mohamed tau!) for bertunang. She and few of the women then took turns feeding me with a teaspoon of sugar. The next agenda was exchanging of hantaran from both sides. To end the lovely evening, all guests were invited to a delicious buffet outside.
Alhamdulillah, the ceremony went well. I was officially somebody’s fiancé.
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