Friday, March 2, 2012

Imran's Birthday Celebration in November 2011

Dear Diary,

If October is Irfan’s month, November is Abang Imran’s. My parents in law organized a small gathering to celebrate all November people (4 all together including my son, Imran). It was a joyous family dinner with…....

Good company

Good foods

Good desserts (click here for more pictures ^_^)

And not forgetting the guests of honor – birthday gals & guy

2 notes of inspiration:

lady lavender said...

hepi belated besday abg imran :-))

semoga menjadi anak yg soleh insyaallah..

Unaizah said...

Lady Lavender - Terima kasih kak. Amin....

ps: Mama Imran ni lambat sungguh up entry. Dah berbulan overdue :D